Making Sense of the Human Condition

Category: Self Improvement

Top 5 Regrets of the Dying and What We Can Learn From Them.

This sounds morbid, but I think a great way to check how your life is going is to imagine yourself at the end of it looking backward to the point you are now…Are you heading in the right direction? And are you going to achieve all the things you wanted to?…Let’s face it there’s nothing you can do about changing anything from now to birth, but you can do a lot to change your life from your current position to death.

Your Mind Is A TV – Learning to Deal With Bad Thoughts

I’m interested in the concept of your mind being like a constantly broadcasting TV set. Your thoughts are like a drama playing out in your favourite film or soap opera. You start to feel anxiety as the danger surfaces or the monster appears suddenly from the shadows. You feel warm when your favourite character walks along a beautiful beach with a golden sunset and you feel the icy blast and loneliness when they are trudging through snow, desperately trying to reach some remote and dangerous destination.

Code Yourself A New Brain

– Understanding Mental Health in Software Engineer Terms

I’m not really much of a spiritual person, so it does cause some resistance straight away when many self help solutions for anxiety and depression seem to point toward ‘spiritual healing’.

Rightly or wrongly, being an engineer by background has always forced to me to seek solutions to any problem, from engineering principles.  I’ve therefore spent some time considering the notion that the thinking mind is much like any other complex machine, and hoping this might give me an edge in my own therapy with the fundamental principle being that you can’t fix anything until you know how it works…or at least know how it behaves when operated in a certain way.

Why Boredom Might Be a Good Thing

And How It Can Spark Your Creativity

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spent a weekend pacing up and down the lounge trying to work out what to do with myself. In recent years it’s a feeling that almost completely went away but it’s started coming back a lot recently.

 I’ve previously been so busy with my business, music and family stuff that there’s rarely been a time I’ve had a moment to think about what I should be doing next, but stuff hasn’t been going so well over the last year or so…and the feeling’s come back.

What Do You Value? How to Avoid Feeling a Failure

If you are a fan of Cosmograf you’ll recall that the concept for my album ‘The Man Left In Space’ wasn’t really a story about a space man who forgot what time the bus back to earth was leaving.  It was really about the attraction and pitfalls of success, what we strive for and what happens after we achieve our life goals.

History is littered with the sad stories of those that became the best at what they do, through years of dedication and hard work.  They achieved their life’s ambition, the pinnacle of what possibly could be achieved and then things started to go wrong.  Once they achieved their goals, their reasons for existing were brought into question in their own minds, and so did the very essence and identity of their lives.   When this happens, the fame, adulation and glory inevitably makes way for alcohol drugs,  depression and sometimes even suicide.

Finding Your Life’s Purpose

I’ve spent a quite a large chunk of my life trying to find my life’s purpose..As a teenager like most in my peer group I dreamed of being a rock star but the dream wasn’t real enough to put aside trying to work towards great exam results and a ‘proper job’.  Sadly the dream was enough to derail my commitment to study on many occasions and by the time I’d found the thrill of playing in bands and writing music, my ability to study started to seriously wane.

The Struggle For Happiness

It won’t be news to my friends here that I’ve become particularly interested in ‘matters of the self’ and why us humans do the things we do (Every album I’ve made alludes to the struggle).   I’ve recently been reading the hell out of everything from Eckhart Tolle to Friedrich Nietzsche and chewing the ears off friends with wiser minds than mine, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I managed to get through more than half of my life ill equipped to deal with its ups and downs. 

It’s like setting out across the oceans in a rubber dinghy and a plastic paddle without a chart.  In calm waters you’ll convince yourself you are on course and making good progress but as soon as the first storm hits, you wonder why you are upside down and drowning.  But I also know I’m not unique here…and I’ve been pretty wreckless at times in setting out on some big seas without a care for a life jacket…The consequences are also much more profound when you drag others on the same journey, like your partner, friends or family…

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